Plaster, resin, polystyrene?

One of the most obliterated details in an old house is usually the plasterwork.

People assume that as long as you have flat serviceable walls then you’re a winner.

No winner,winner ,chicken dinner for you my dear.

In my opinion coving and ceiling roses are as important as other architectural details in old properties. This decorative items will make or break a room and will pretty much set the tone for the decor that will surround them.

Unfortunately our house doesn’t have any surviving to the extent that the ceiling lamps are hanging bare in the ceiling, with no guidance, no crowning, like little Annie the orphans.

I’ve been looking for ceiling roses since we put an offer on the house back in January as I knew exactly what I wanted.

As usual, bacause in to bloody specific and a tyrant with design ,didn’t manage to find anything of my liking in the high street.

I wanted something Victorian, leafy and floral, somewhat geometric, with great relief and trellis work and I simply couldn’t find anything.

The only U.K. based company that I could find online that makes things of kind of glorious nature plasterwork is Stevenson’s of Norwich, but unfortunately I’m poor, and can’t afford them . But sincerely if I had the money they offer great craftsmanship and quality and they’re as authentic as they can be.

But never fear Stevenson’s, I might win the lottery next week and the job will be then all yours .

As I painfully discovered, in order to get the finish and detail that I required, plaster wasn’t going to be an option ( Im poorer that Julie Andrews in victor/victoria)as I rather spend the money in many more beautiful things.


I’m a tight bitch

And I like quantity for my money.

So I explored the other options, polystyrene and resin. I won’t even contemplate polystyrene as the thought of it just repulses me immensely not just the name, but the vacuous empty designs that are produced in this material.

Then , one evening browsing in Amazon I saw the light, an apparition,a glimpse of truth full fanciness,Ekena millwork was here to save me.

No, she’s not the leader of a sex cult for the famous and rich,

No, she’s not a £300 facial cream neither.

This American company produces this high quality and rich detailed roses ( or ceiling medallions like they call them )that will fool even the most expert eye. They’re pretty much historically accurate-ish, lightweight and made of gorgeous resin.

I went for their York design 21″ as its pretty much what I had in mind for our house. Maybe too grand and pompous for the kind of house it is but I’m all up for a little bit of fantasy girl.

This roses will be displayed in the dining room and the living room of the house and I intend to find something simpler on the same lines for the 4 bedrooms and staircase landings.

Can’t wait to install them as a couple of screws and simple adhesive it’s all you need!

For more updates in our crazy renovation stay tuned !



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