What pink dreams are made of

presenting Exhibit A:

What do you think this is ?

Option 1: a demented persons hoarding back garden?

Option 2: a reserve of wonderfulness awaiting to be installed and loved ? You decide.

This back garden situation has obviously a great and very sensible explanation:

Yours truly,

Even before he owned a house,

Even before the prospect of the house was in the horizon ,

Decided to buy a pink bathroom suite and keep in the garden till ” we could install it in A house ”

My poor Hubbie has to drive me all over the south coast of England to fetch it in a manor house in Devon. A Gorgeous manor that shall be mine one day when I win the lottery, and me and the bathroom will be able to come back triumphant in a golden carriage.

Back to reality

So at least I know that it’s a bog of royal provenance and I shall discharge in full Art Deco exuberance.

The fact is that I have always been in love with those gorgeous pastel coloured 40s/50s/60s Art Deco bathrooms. I’m sure that many of you hate them and would rather die being burnt alive condemned for witchcraft ,than enduring this bathrooms in all their beauty and sheer glory.

But I have always loved them so






Needless to say that Daniel absolutely hates them and he’s just enduring this one as it’s been located in the first floor as a powder room ,and in order to prevent me to have a, what he calls, “Maria callas moment”

So the winner for my pink bathroom stravanganza is this 1950s ideal standard suite


Whats not to like, removed from a luxury bathroom, 1930s ( allegedly), the description amuses me when it reads “no known defects” ,


They  failed to describe a piece of stale dark matter that we had to chisel our from the bottom of the toilet but otherwise in  was unarguably in prime condition.

Of course Mr hankey its not amongst us any longer. RIP Mr hankey

I Also have an extra sink I bought months ago just in case, just in case I develop two heads and they need separate sinks, but we will see what I end installing and what not.

The idea is to create something like this :

Pure Art Deco tiled pink  and black bathroom, possible large backsplash mirror and some rather gorgeous lighting fixtures, still undetermined but this set of odeon lights is first in line.

I don’t want to scare my hubby away as when I first showed him this he thought that I must have had some sort of childhood trauma with the little mermaid, but I happen to think that they’re trully amazing and deserve a place in the powder room.

I simply can’t wait to have all of this gloriousness installed in our new house !

Keep reading about something exciting in our next post ! and remember, think pink!



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