Moving day eleganza extravaganza!!

It’s been a while since the last post and lots has happened since.

I’ve been very busy at work.

The prime minister from my home country has resigned through parliament vote due to corruption.

Oil prices are soaring and ice caps are melting.

And more importantly the stars have aligned and not much has been broken my the movers.

Not much, doesn’t mean anything, and I might have had a couple “diva moments”, MIGHT. Because I can’t possibly live without another 75 thousand glass vases. (That lovely sight over there, inside that massive lorry, it’s my rubbish. Glorified junk that its a clear reflection of a perturbed mind. Ready to honour the rooms all over the house, every-inch-of-every-wall!!)

The removal guys were bloody good and super efficient, we started at 8am and finished by 14.30. I’m very pleased with their services really as at a staggering £690 ( that I could have used for fancy wallpaper and paint ) they did a very good job.

We’ve moved

I can’t believe it

I can’t believe that I own so much junk!

Soooooo much….

This move has left us with:

An unusable dining room ( “pretty things storage room)

1.908.676 million staples all over the floor ( that used to hold the underlying of the carpet in place )


A strong unwillingness to live

A garden that resembles a Victorian dump to perfection.

So far so good.

In all my naivety, my original plan was to paint and wallpaper the main three bedrooms and assemble a built-in book unit ( that is 4 meters long ) in Daniels office. Sounded feasible in my head, but shall I remind you all, that my mind doesn’t work properly and I ain’t no Martha Stewart.( if she had to paint as much as I do, she wouldn’t be smiling, she would be reaching for the gun )

( I highly recommend listening to the song, as it resumes pretty well the way I’ve been behaving lately)

My brain doesn’t understand about the laws of time/space or physics, my mind is run by fanciness, and by the ” pretty pretty” things.


My name is Ben,

I’m a magpie.



Ben needs to wake up.

Who’s gonna decorate and finish all three rooms in all the holiday he’s booked?

Not me.

Not even remotely.

Please, do not hesitate to source me an army of decorators that work 24/7 for a week and do exactly as I say. And that respond to every whim and insane wallpapering desire that soothes my soul.

The shape of the week has obviously changed dramatically.

We are focusing in the same three bedrooms and the landing/stairs combo but with other jobs in mind.

( why did I unpack the silk flowers on the first picture you might ask, it was an ” accident” I shall respond )

I fortunately had the help of some slaves friends that came all the way from Spain to help us a bit with the house, so while Daniel was busy working at the university, to pay of my life of glamour and luxury, they were tackling the tedious job of plucking all the staples from the floorboards while I was unpacking all of HIS clothes.( work my pretties, work!!!)

Daniel owns an astonishing array of jumpers and trousers that could easily dress the average Joe for the next 75 years. So I folded a lot, I felt like that maid from the hotel in American horror story that keeps cleaning blood and gore and death keeps coming along with no apparent reasonable explanation.And to add more to the drama our bedroom resembled this:( yes, I know what you’re thinking, I’ve got a natural resplendence and voluptuous statuesque physique, you’re welcome)

An update on the clothes situation, it’s all sorted, I’m the new Marie Kondo.

So please, just pray for me, as I need to hire a floor sander and god knows what damage and havoc I’m gonna create with that monstrosity gliding around my floorboards.

Then I must stain all the floor in gorgeous Jacobean oak stain. And we will be ready for some form of decorating beautiful madness.

Yours truly,

This demented housewife,


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