Wallpaper , wallpaper , make me a match, find me a find , catch me a catch.

Hello everyone, and thank you once more for following us in our very particular and crazy adventure.

I must confess that the last two days have been completely hectic.

The last 48 hours have been crazy and completely upside-down. I truly felt like Sarah in the movie The Labyrith, running everywhere and getting nowhere! ( but I haven’t had David Bowie’s bulge hanging around neither )

On top of hosting a dinner for 10 on Saturday ( to sheer perfection and execution I might add ) and the stress of receiving the most annoying news from work telling me that they’ve cancelled my holiday last minute ( they better give me a big lump of holiday ASAP,l or I’ll burn the place down . I really need the time to complete this house sooner than later to a fashion ).

But I’ve decided that I’ll reborn from the ashes and make every minute left from the holiday count.

We’ve decided to speed things up a bit so we can have some rooms partially completed.

We now won’t be able to hire the floor sanders for a couple of weeks due to the holiday fiasco so we decided to paint, wallpaper a bit and gloss the s*** out of the house.

( as you can see, my hubby has done and amazing job, and all that nicotine resembling woodwork is gone !!!!, hooray !!!)

My friends were still here and I can honestly say that I’ve used them to the best of their abilities.

The first thing Daniel did, was to finish cleaning some of the superficial grime on our newly discovered Minton tiles, in order to gloss the skirting boards and staircase.

So while Cinderfella was cleaning, I focused on giving our bedroom three coats of the luscious Valspar ” forever teal ” paint. And I couldn’t be happier with the result. I find this room incredibly regal, and as soon as I sand/refinish the floors and dress the room is gonna look like a million dollars.

I’ve also wallpapered today, by myself and it was a huge task, well, maybe not so huge as it was just a damn chimney breast, but it took some mental effort to choose where to place the different pages of newspaper.

Multitasking you say?

Maybe I’m doing too much at the same time ?

Am I some sort of demented Holy Spirit that can split and be in two places at the same time ?

No problem.

Till my brain burns off completely and I realise that u can’t handle all the workload and I start resembling this, I will keep going .

Back to the wallpaper,

Some of you dears might not know, that I used to work in a London boutique in the portobello road. Sadly the store closed down, but when we were asked to refurbish the place in order to vacate it, we had to strip this:

So I obviously kept it,

And I’m a thieve,

So don’t judge me.

I might be a rescuer

Or a saint. ( clearly this is the right answer )

So in order to calm you all down with my criminal behaviour ,Cher will have to convince all you for me:

The wallpaper was unbearably and decidedly going to end inside the bin liners so I decided to salvage the lot “for the future”. ( I must confess that I’ve got crates full of rubbish treasures ready to be used one day)

I’ve mastered the art of french cooking convincing myself that I will use this things at some point, but this time it was a palpable truth and it wasn’t hard for Daniel to admit that he loved the result:

I’m still shocked of how well this wall has come up together, it really takes my breath away every time I stand in the landing looking towards it, it really is a dream come true.

I truly hope we can complete some of the ” big jobs” around the house in the weeks to come as the list it’s getting longer and longer.

I still need to assemble the fitted book units in Daniels office and god only knows the mess I’m gonna create while doing that, they’ll probably name a hurricane afrer me due to the aftermath of the office project.

So stay tuned, if you’re after more insanity updates.

Thank you dearly,

Deranged Ben.

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