The lion, the bitch and the wardrobe.

Welcome everyone. In pure C.S Lewis spirit, You’ll be witnessing once more our magnificent exhibition of the unknown, the pitiful gallery of my inner meltdowns and diva antics and a humble diary of a decorating chaos.

I imagine that you wish to know how much progress we’ve gone through ? Why haven’t I written anything in weeks on end ?

But first a quick announcement:

( we’ve have hung the chandelier !!!! Hooray! ) I just wanted to show you all this first, maybe because it makes me shiver every time I look at it,maybe because it’s gorgeous, but mainly because it makes me feel like belle.

So back to normal, I hope the answer is yes because….

There’s been quite a lot going on in the house lately so with no further adue, here’s the chronicles of the last couple of weeks.

I’ve gone through a huge Wallpapering obsession lately.

Maybe Because it’s glamorous

Maybe Because is decadent

Maybe because I’ve got a demon in my head that tells me that I must cover everything in it.

The last addition to grace our wonky walls ( for real, they’re very crooked, so crooked I feel that we live in a Tim Burton Dystopian universe ) has been the African savannah toile de jouy. A complete and utter Jumanji realness exhuberance.

(my poor assistant was suffering all my diva meltdowns and improper comments in the process so please give a big round of applause to lady den, my mother in law, for her infinite patience and support )

( is that left doorway the entrance to the guest bedroom or maybe a portal to infinite hell ?)

I’m not gonna start describing what a monumental pain in the arse it was to hang it and match the pattern because as I said the shape of our walls is of a dubious square nature, the original builder must have been high in opium as we loose 10cm of height from one side of the landing to the other.

But the good news if that our Monkey lamp, now known as lady Edith ( as she’s an outcast and not by far our favourite daughter, rather odd to look at, misunderstood and difficult to handle;exactly like in Downton abbey ), is not alone any more.

In another front, I’ve got fresh news for you about the Craftroom building process.

this sad and dreary room, with hideous curtains and inexistent floor,has now been completely transformed through a completely tedious but necessary process. I know the floor is uneven but it won’t matter when all the structure gets built on top of it .

Heres the Craftroom base in all its glory and completion. Using a greatly damaged 1920s wardrobe I had, wood planks and some Victorian decorative supports, I’ve built an structure to contain the bed and give it a built-in boudoir feel . I still need to complete the canopy that will contain the storage above the bed but this room is pretty much finished now.

This room might not to everyone’s taste, but it was designed to display all the artwork I collect and to offer me a safe haven where I can relax when I’m being melodramatic and have a tantrum and I’m in need of attention.

To find me in there ,you need to open curtains to access the bed, #drama ,where you will discover me in all my regalia either angry or producing some vaudevillian high fashion moment.

Did I ever mention that I’m a terrible antiques shopaholic ? Did I mention that now we own the portal to narnia in the form of a walnut 1930s extravanganza ?

Our anniversary was fastly approaching so I was browsing around our local furniture warehouse for charity when ….bam!! I saw this beauty looking and me very sad and disheveled ,begging me to take her home and offer her, once again, a life of glamour and excess. And as you might expect, I couldn’t say no to that argument.

Unfortunately this is the way I found my gorgeous wardrobe when I came back from work. It took us about 30 mins to bring it upstairs. That obviously happened after I had to take the whole thing apart piece by piece as it’s solid and incredibly heavy, much heavier than it looks believe me.

In our little gardening update , Hubbie has been planting like a maniac lately. He’s aim is to transform our garden into a formal arrangement divided in quarters,so I can prance around like Marie Antoinette in le petit Trianon to order one of my servants to whip my ladies-maid for burning my favourite peignoir. but back to reality, budget constraints ( yes, I didn’t win the lottery again !!!!) and lack of magical realism,we are starting with just a bit of wisteria fantasy.

Nothing like the luscious gardens I’ve just posted here but give us time. Hubbie seems to think that this shrub is gonna grow to be a luscious frame for Our entrance pretty soon.

I highly disbelief this.


And upon reading about their growth online and discovering that this monsters take about 10 years to mature makes me very impatient.

So Impatient that I feel like throwing a bunch of chemicals in a ditch full of Amazonian plants and go full on poison ivy and grow it myself in 5 minutes.

So basically , I know I’ll end buying a massive wisteria tree in the near future for a ridiculous amount of money while Daniel is working away in some remote part of the world.

We’ve been also driving around as my malefic plans for a white Art Deco bathroom are coming to fruition, thanks to a thrifty spirit and pushy demure.

I know that this messy jungle ( we stopped on the garden centre on te way home ) on the back of our car doesn’t look like much but now we own his&his sinks for the incredible sun of £30!

So imagine a subtle touch of subway tile

Trimmed in black, hexagon mosaic tile and this beauties crowned by Art Deco mirrors in the front….

Stay tuned as we soon will have some exciting bathroomupdates!

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